Dreams the other you, our other plane ignored because of it's lack in tangible comprehension. A language that we can not make sense of, because our subconscious mind so intricate in it's design that makes it to confusing for anyone to decipher. Lacking the standard logical rules that apply in our waking world that can not be used during the embrace of our nights slumber.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
When you a near to your waking moments you seem to be able to attune yourself to the sounds of the waking world. During this state of mind your dreams are effected by the background noise, what you hear seems to converge with what your dreaming at the time. If the phone rings you seem to hear a phone ring in your dream which may have changed what you would of dreamt. Every time you are awoken at night you find yourself being able to recall your last dream, but if you have had an interrupt free night than many people find it hard to recall if they dreamt anything at all. On the odd times people can sometimes have a dream and during their day get reminded of the dream they may have had earlier. Is this a prediction or merely a coincidence of serendipity.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
We have all had dreams we are as naked as the day we were born, Is this our mind trying to tell us that we feel that everyone is watching us. If our subconscious needs to remind us that we are a little paranoid than what does this say about our own awarness. Or is our personal peception affecting us in our sleep as well as our waking life because we cant get past our own insecruities. If we start to accept ourselves and get past the anxiety that comes with feeling sorry for ourselves then will that stop us from dreaming of ourselves without any clothes on.
When your subconscious becomes conscious you start to experience dream awareness. A dream where you know you cant get in trouble for excising your issues with people of authority. Those who have wished they could tell their boss off for making them feel less of person use this opportunity to express their opinion of their employer. This is also an opportunity to slow down and make sense of the surroundings knowing that you are the creator of this amazing site. Your only chance to try and take in the creativity that would have been applied to creating your own portable universe.
Some dreams you could do no wrong because if ever you were questioned, your answer would be the right one. In a dream the moment you walked into someones home you would be challenged by the owner and all you would have to say is this is my house.The so called owner would take your word for it and leave. If you walked out of a shop without paying for an item then a security guard would try and stop you, your answer would be this is my shop i own it and he would apologise and leave. This power only comes to you when you are aware that you are the ruler of this world, if you ever master the power to have those in a trance you will never have nightmares. Nightmares are sign you are no longer in charge of your own mind.
Dreams are reminders of our daily routines and our thoughts that lay dormant in our subconscious. Our daily routines are hard to separate because of the monotonous tasks that fill the day. This is sometimes reflected in a dream that we've had before. A dream where we made a wrong turn and got caught, this reminder enlightens us to an outcome that we now have the power to change. The dream carries through and a different path opens us to new possibilities. The lucid the dream, the easier for us to survive the challenges we put to ourselves remembering that the moment we fail the information is filed and will remain there until we come across the same dream. This is like a mini series that doesn't seem to get us anywhere for that work and obligation will always interfere with our minds therapy.
Dream chases are a common re-occurrences that we all seem to experience. We seem to be an enemy of own way of thinking, it's almost as if the chase scene is a defence mechanism to our own curiosity that stops our thoughts from questioning something we not ready to know. When we are eventually caught we wake as quick as we are caught, this is enough to shake us out of sleep and leaving us feeling anxious. Any questions we might have had during the dreams are forgotten the moment we are left feeling unsatisfied because we have failed the journey by getting caught by the over powering crowd.
So many different types of dreams people experience every night, and people are still vague when describing what sought of dreams they had. We almost are a bit shy to share the nights details because it is hard for some people to separate a dream where you control what happens to the other dreams where you feel that you are on auto pilot. Dreams can get strange quickly because there isn't a natural order to how things flow during sleep, leaving the dreamer feeling guilty because of what his alter ego might have done. You are left at the mercy of your own mind and when you can not influence the direction of your choices you find yourself doing the complete opposite of what you might have done if there was repercussions.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
All we can keep from our dreams is knowledge, whatever we can learn from ourselves through our dreams is the only part we take with us from the dream world. When we are awake the quicker we try connect back to reality of the conscious mind, the quicker we forget what ever the subconscious mind created in our dream, until we are reminded of it during the days pass. We are shown in our dreams architecture on a mass scale, when we are looking at buildings that we have never seen in real life. Peoples faces that we don't recall ever meeting and music that may come out of ourselves or others who we have created in our own mind.These are examples that we have photographic mind but very few of us can access this part of our brain while we are awake. Some have claimed to spoken a different language in a dream to that they have never spoken, but the moment the have awoken they have forgotten all of what would have shown their creative mind in action.
Dreaming of flying is one of the most common dreams people share, an example of how our mind can interpret life and share similar hopes and dreams. We strive to get more out of life and when we cant succeed in life than our dream is our experimental world where we can make our own rules. Flying is our way of showing ourselves that we are the captain of the cruise and when we feel confident so can this be interpreted in our flying. Those of us who dream that they are flying out of control their mind is trying to show them that the fear that they have in their waking life may also mean they do not have their two feet sturdy on the ground as they may believe. Your dreams are a reflection of your own mind perspective, you can not hide from your own nightmare. Nor can you lie to it.
How are we able to be awoken in the middle of a dream go and do a task then try to fall asleep again which may take us a little time to get back to sleep and continue the dream as if our brain paused it in mid dream. Do we have the control to pause, restart and rewind at will ? What are our limits when it comes to our dreams ? If it is possible to have a continued dream without actually trying then what are we able to do during a dream when we put our mind to it. Our brain creates the world we dream in so if we control the way we think than it is possible to control what we actually dream.
When you pass your sleep threshold all that remains is a high level of irritability. It doesn't matter how disciplined you are you are brought to a handicap that matches any one else strong or weak minded no one can think straight with a lack of sleep. It is is said that sleep deprivation is the quickest way to turn a sane man insane. Sleep is the only way we recharge our body and mind so the importance of it shouldn't get pushed aside as a minor priority for without it people can not function even with the most simple tasks. Sleep brings us back to our natural self , a state of mind that is able to focus without the weights of tiredness holding you down. Sleep a form of relaxing that resembles a form of meditation, our minds way of telling us we need to slow down before we go insane.
Monday, 12 March 2012
When we are awake we sometimes feel that life moves to fast and daily routines are the only way of making sense of our crazy world. Where our visual senses are exhausted by the ever demanding force that is the living and breathing change of evolution. Our conscious mind might seem a mismatch to the surrounding senses but what we aren't able to comprehend our subconscious mind has already filed and deciphered ready to display part in a dream and part in a later thought that your conscious mind tries to make sense of . This slow process is the only way our subconscious mind can handle such an influx of information, one step at a time and one micro thought at a time our minimal control that helps us avoid going into meltdown.
Dreams ignored is your minds plea ignored, Does the night embrace have any cause on the days wake ?
We generally sleep for six hours, those with kids sleep less. Is the dreaming part of our sleep as important as the non part of dreaming during sleep ? We all have the ability to shut our eyes and get into a deep sleep that helps transform our mind to a destination where we become the director of our personal universe only limited by your own imagination. When we wake up in a cold sweat because of our dreams it is almost impossible to shake the feeling that it will effect the rest of our day. The more the prominent the dream the more we should give it our full attention. If not only to calm our mind whether or not our subconscious mind has got it right or wrong.

Dreaming is one thing, but having a dream where your not sure if it's real or not can really shake you up because only your subconscious knows how to rattle you so deep. Why would it be so easy to get lost in the dream scape and be so hard to have a dream where you are in complete control ? Are we designed to hurt ourselves even during sleep ? Maybe our subconscious mind likes to teach us that sometimes your worst nightmare may be a reality and this is your way of preparing yourself for the only type of conditioning that waking up in a cold sweat can teach.
How can we dream about an event before it happens ? Is our subconscious mind trying to awake us from a reality full of obligations ? Questions we all have suppressed due to the fact that it's too hard to know the true answer. But maybe the true answer is just a simple one, that our subconscious minds focus is better in tuned with our inner most desires. Without any of the influences we are forced to face, our mind will be able to decipher the complicated events that we never put to thought because the questions that pops into our mind takes a back seat to the bills need to be paid and the food we need to eat. Our own happiness takes a back seat because survival will always takes precedent.
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