Dreams the other you, our other plane ignored because of it's lack in tangible comprehension. A language that we can not make sense of, because our subconscious mind so intricate in it's design that makes it to confusing for anyone to decipher. Lacking the standard logical rules that apply in our waking world that can not be used during the embrace of our nights slumber.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
So many different types of dreams people experience every night, and people are still vague when describing what sought of dreams they had. We almost are a bit shy to share the nights details because it is hard for some people to separate a dream where you control what happens to the other dreams where you feel that you are on auto pilot. Dreams can get strange quickly because there isn't a natural order to how things flow during sleep, leaving the dreamer feeling guilty because of what his alter ego might have done. You are left at the mercy of your own mind and when you can not influence the direction of your choices you find yourself doing the complete opposite of what you might have done if there was repercussions.
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